Ghost Butler, he's Happy to Serve...eternally.

Loyal & Polite Ghost Butler will never leave your side, he was made to be that bring along toy companion. He comes from that side of my imagination that birthed other ghoulish figures in the past like FrightBite & Kawako. He is a mix of the old bedsheets ghost & a bit of a Casper anatomy ( although I've imagined his roundness to look more like Alfred Hitchcock than others) . I have always loved ghosts toys, collected old ones from Kinder Egg collections to more recent arttoys such as Boo ( companion of Uamou ). I wanted this toy to be that toy that would obediently sit at your desk or accompany you on an errand somewhere. I hope you like him, he will be eternally yours.

Valentines Violet color editions will also be available, choose your Butler!