Bad Knight is Back in Metallic Blue~!
Tuesday Feb 17 2015
Return of Bad Knight
It's been awhile since the Robotic Knight has been seen & with many requests for its return I have worked hard on bringing him back in one of my favorite colors of all time: Metallic Blue. This color combo ( with the shield red & eyes yellow) reminds me of the old japanese robot Tetsujin 28 ( aka Gigantor ). There will be 8 pieces for this edition & each 3.5 inch figure is priced at $40 each piece hand painted and hand produced. Figure will go on sale Thursday 8pm eastern time here...
Holiday Batch 2014
Sunday Dec 07 2014
Spring Forward
Sunday Mar 23 2014
the little red door~
Tuesday Jun 19 2012
Here's a discovery I found on instagram. It's called the little red door & the artist here makes these cute ceramic mini houses in a variety of choices. Whether its a gnome-like house, cherry bushed house, or customizable alphabet houses ( like the ones I had ordered) they are all hand-made, all beautiful. They reminded me of the Valentine Day Turtle Tetsujins I had done earlier in the year. Toni the artist of the little red door had included some wonderful gifts, candies, postcards and to my surprise extra houses! I got a great red house with a little black...
Hinomaru Turtle Tetsujin makes it to the Design Toy Awards 2012
Saturday Jun 16 2012
To my surprise earlier in the week I had received a tweet from the Design Toy Awards group. I found out that my Japan Charity figures , the Hinomaru Turtle Tetsujins had been entered into two catagories for this years awards: Best Self-Produced & Best Toy of the Year.
To be included on the list with so many veterans in this industry is really amazing. I honestly thought it was a mistake of some kind( like some twitter-hacking prank or something), but as I checked the link to the DTA 2012 pages I saw that my figure was up there...
Video Interview on Kaiju Korner ~
Wednesday Mar 28 2012
Please check out my video interview on Kaiju Korner by Andy where I get to talk about my resin figures , toy history & plans
for the coming year!
It's like 15 minutes so I'd check it out when you can unwind for a minute~
Hinomaru Turtle Tetsujin Restocked at myplasticheart~
Sunday Mar 25 2012
Went to myplasticheart and happily restocked the special Hinomaru Turtle Tetsujin Japan Charity figures. It's wonderful that they are selling, huge thans to the staff of myplasticheart for all their continued efforts in raising funds for the people of Japan that were affected by last years tsunami/earthquake disister. Each is selling for $25 & all proceeds go to the charity. Thank you all~
Vinyl Pulse covers Hinomaru Turtle Tetsujin~with my plastic heart
Saturday Mar 17 2012
Please check out the article by Vinyl Pulse!
発売中 フィギュアで震災支援
Sunday Mar 04 2012

TOYSETC @toys3tc talks about Hinomaru Turtle Tetsujin on March 3rd, 2012
Sunday Mar 04 2012
Thank you Edward for the write up! Super nice !
man-e-toys featured on hinomaru Charity Special Turtle Tetsujin on March,2, 2012
Sunday Mar 04 2012
Thanks Niall for the awesome write up & side banner~!
toysrevil @toysrevil talked about Peter's Japan Charity Edition Turtle Tetsujin on March 2, 2012
Sunday Mar 04 2012
wow Andy! Thank you so much for the great post! So fast I couldn't believe it!!!
Clutter Magazine @Cluttermagazine posted Hinomaru Turtle Tetsujin on March 1, 2012
Saturday Mar 03 2012
We were so thrilled to hear from our favorite magazine, Clutter!
Thank you so much for helping get the word out on these figures BIG thank you for your support!
- Bedtime Bunnies Anniversary exclusively at PiQ Grand Central NYC ! March 2015
Monday Mar 02 2015 - Bad Knight is Back in Metallic Blue~!
Tuesday Feb 17 2015 - Holiday Batch 2014
Sunday Dec 07 2014 - Spring Forward
Sunday Mar 23 2014 - the little red door~
Tuesday Jun 19 2012 - Hinomaru Turtle Tetsujin makes it to the Design Toy Awards 2012
Saturday Jun 16 2012 - Video Interview on Kaiju Korner ~
Wednesday Mar 28 2012 - Hinomaru Turtle Tetsujin Restocked at myplasticheart~
Sunday Mar 25 2012 - Vinyl Pulse covers Hinomaru Turtle Tetsujin~with my plastic heart
Saturday Mar 17 2012 - 発売中 フィギュアで震災支援
Sunday Mar 04 2012 - TOYSETC @toys3tc talks about Hinomaru Turtle Tetsujin on March 3rd, 2012
Sunday Mar 04 2012 - man-e-toys featured on hinomaru Charity Special Turtle Tetsujin on March,2, 2012
Sunday Mar 04 2012 - toysrevil @toysrevil talked about Peter's Japan Charity Edition Turtle Tetsujin on March 2, 2012
Sunday Mar 04 2012 - Clutter Magazine @Cluttermagazine posted Hinomaru Turtle Tetsujin on March 1, 2012
Saturday Mar 03 2012 - 2014
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