posted by Clutter Magazine
Peter Kato’s Bedtime Bunnie coming in vinyl from Clutter!

As the crisp, cool air of winter settles in, Peter Kato’s Bedtime Bunnies rise from their burrow beds for some sleepytime playing. Created in collaboration between Kato...
Closer look at Artist Teru Fujita's Custom for myplasticheart's Group show!
Wednesday Jul 08 2015
Bedtimebunnies Custom Exhibition @myplasticheart July 11th - August 2nd.
Artist Teru Fujita is a member of Cortes Studio in Gowanus Brooklyn. For many years he's gained mechanical and technical experience as a toy designer and pro to typer at Marvel and Toybiz. He continues today as a proto typer/designer for @smartdessign. Everything Teru creates is scratch built meaning all parts built...
Bedtime Bunnies Custom Exhibition at MYPLASTICHEART NYC July 11- Aug 2, 2015
Friday Jun 26 2015
Bedtime Stories .
Bedtime Bunnies Custom Exhibition @myplasticheart NYC with Opening Reception July 11 2015 ( 7-10pm ) .
Thirty plus artist joining in to present their wonderful visions in bedtime story inspired , customized Bedtime Bunnies.
@64colors @harlow_bear @bjornik @boykong @candiebolton @doktor_a @doubleparlour @hausofboz @jellykoe @thejennbot @smallandround @missychiao @jonpaulkaiser @popprolific @nopunchbacks @kylekirwan @loupimentel @map_matt @plushplay @nange.magro_dead.lotus.couture @nathanjurevicius @oddfauna @onelldesign @richpage @alyce_benevides @skulltoys @sneaky_raccoon @stickymonger @sugarfueled
Satyr from artist Seulgie on this thursday 8pm EST
Monday Jun 15 2015
I'd like to introduce a new artist to this indie toy community that we so love. Her name is Seulgie and she started her apprenticeship under me in 2014. Like my first apprentice in 2013 Kevin Nam of Inamitoyland , Seuglie had no previous sculpting or studio experience at all. In the seven months she studied under me I taught her hand sculpting from scratch, silicone mold making, resin casting and techniques in sanding and finishing. She has come a long way and I am so proud of her ability, level of respect and hardwork. My students...
For Toysrevil ! Exclusive Bedtime Bunnies! Ten Star Bunnies available tonight 8pm EST
Thursday Jun 11 2015
Ten Star Bunnies are the Rock in Roll inspired Bedtime Bunnies done exclusively for the toy blog Toysrevil . Toysrevil has just turned 10 years old & to celebrate this occasion i have made these 10 exclusive pieces. All the money from these sales will go towards Toysrevil's fundraising project to help him continue his dedicated service and hard work. Let's help Toysrevil everyone! Thank you so much for your support !
Each figure is 3 inches in height and are hand produced by me in my Brooklyn NY studio. Handpainted Silver, Black with Red Star details and White...
Yellow Sunshine Eye Heart Bunnies! Tonight May 28th 8pm EST
Thursday May 28 2015
Powered by the love of eye candy these Yellow Sunshine Eye Heart Bunnies embody the eye heart emojis they were inspired by. Their will be 20 hand produced editions of these 3 inch bunnies & will be in my shop tonight May 28th 8pm eastern time, .
Cotton Candy Bedtime Bunnie Danglers coming April 16th 8pm est
Sunday Apr 12 2015
An assortment of Bedtime Bunnie Danglers will be available on my website this thursday April 16th 8pm EST.
Colors available will be yellow , pink, blue and lavender ( 5 yellow, 10 other colors). They can be dangled with simple string above you hovering over your bed or you can attach a simple chain and wear it around your neck and keep them close to you. All bunnies are handmade in my brooklyn art studio.
I'd love to see pics of how customers display these danglers so if you do get one please tag me via instagram,...
NY Seikatsu Front Page Bedtime Bunnies at PiQ Grand Central Station
Monday Mar 30 2015
Thank you NY Seikatsu News for the wonderful frontage article they did on myself and my Bedtime Bunnies at the PiQ Grand Central store Easter window. The article covered my history with sculpting and the indie toy scene as well as the inception , production and response of my Bedtime Bunnies figures over this one year.
Link to article here:
Bedtime Bunnies Anniversary exclusively at PiQ Grand Central NYC ! March 2015
Monday Mar 02 2015
Bad Knight is Back in Metallic Blue~!
Tuesday Feb 17 2015
Return of Bad Knight
It's been awhile since the Robotic Knight has been seen & with many requests for its return I have worked hard on bringing him back in one of my favorite colors of all time: Metallic Blue. This color combo ( with the shield red & eyes yellow) reminds me of the old japanese robot Tetsujin 28 ( aka Gigantor ). There will be 8 pieces for this edition & each 3.5 inch figure is priced at $40 each piece hand painted and hand produced. Figure will go on sale Thursday 8pm eastern time here...
Eye Heart Bunnies Debut Feb 5th 8pm EST
Thursday Feb 05 2015
Eye Heart You...I really really do
In time for Valentines day are the Eye Heart Bunnies my newest sculpt expansion of my Bedtime Bunnies series. Here to show undivided love & affection the bunnies signature "heart-shaped eyes" tell all. Their moto, Love with all your might.
They will be available here thursday Feb 5th 8pm EST and will come in 3 varieties: one baby blue one pink with painted highlights and one blank pink. Each figure is handmade and will be priced at $25 each.
Also available this night are the Valentines Marsh mellow Sleeptime Bunnies...
Candie Bolton x Peter Kato Bedtime Bunnies Artist Series Collaboration
Sunday Dec 14 2014
Holiday Batch 2014
Sunday Dec 07 2014
November Blue Bedtime Bunnies & Sleeptime Bunnies coming Monday night 8pm Nov 24th
Sunday Nov 23 2014
November Blue Bedtime Bunnies and Sleeptime Bunnies available Monday 8pm on!
All stock is blind boxed with a chase figure in each selection~. The rare chase will be "clear translucent blues" ~
ETI the Alien Nurse for NYCC Cubo NY exclusive booth 501
Wednesday Sep 24 2014
Sleeptime Bunnies NYCC exclusive for myplasticheart booth #113
Wednesday Sep 24 2014
Sleeptime Bunnies , the first expansion sculpt from my Bedtime Bunnies series.
These tiny bundles will be available through myplastichearts booth #113 at NYCC 2014. The first color wave are called the Harvest Sweets edition, 30 pieces blind box with a chase figure that will be revealed later.
Hope to see you at Comicon~
Bad Knight is Coming!
Tuesday Sep 02 2014
The Bad Knight...started this design back in 2010. Didn't have the skills necessary to complete the sculpt until now. Very proud of this piece, was always meant to be the follow up to the evil war robots series that started with Ninja-Robo years ago. So they will be both available this thursday September 4th 2014 at 9pm eastern time here on This first series of Bad Knights are an edition of 8 pieces and come in Metallic Grey with Red Shield. The Ninja-Robo will be returning as their X-varient debut colors of blue with clear red...
Tonight 9pm EST Andrea Kang x Peter Kato Bedtime Bunnies Artist Series goes on sale!
Thursday Aug 14 2014
Sales happen tonight at 9pm! Many of you have stated (via instagram , twitter,Facebook) interest in buying a couple of the bunnies on sale. A few tips about how certain shop sites ( namely this one ) work when it comes to buying limited stock. Just because you have an item in your in-cart box doesn't mean you are safe to browse around the site, during this time the item in your cart can be snatched up by someone who finished their transaction of the same item before you did . Customers have told me this has...
Andrea Kang x Peter Kato Bedtime Bunnies Collaboration figures
Sunday Aug 10 2014
Bedtime Bunnies Artist Series Debuting Thursday August 14th
Sunday Aug 10 2014
The first of these new sculpted figures Bedtime Bunnies Artist Series will debut this Thursday the 14th at 9pm eastern. These bunnies were created the same time as the original Bedtime Bunnies but were created specifically to open collaborations with some of my favorite artists in this toy art community. The first of those artists i approached was the artists that inspired the creation of my sleepwalking bunnies. Artists Andrea Kang ( ) who's work is a wonderland of adorably magical animals have opened up that interest in sculpts going towards fantasy...
- Peter Kato x Clutter Magazine's Bedtime Bunnie 6 inch vinyl toy!
Thursday Jan 14 2016 - Closer look at Artist Teru Fujita's Custom for myplasticheart's Group show!
Wednesday Jul 08 2015 - Bedtime Bunnies Custom Exhibition at MYPLASTICHEART NYC July 11- Aug 2, 2015
Friday Jun 26 2015 - Satyr from artist Seulgie on this thursday 8pm EST
Monday Jun 15 2015 - For Toysrevil ! Exclusive Bedtime Bunnies! Ten Star Bunnies available tonight 8pm EST
Thursday Jun 11 2015 - Yellow Sunshine Eye Heart Bunnies! Tonight May 28th 8pm EST
Thursday May 28 2015 - Cotton Candy Bedtime Bunnie Danglers coming April 16th 8pm est
Sunday Apr 12 2015 - NY Seikatsu Front Page Bedtime Bunnies at PiQ Grand Central Station
Monday Mar 30 2015 - Bedtime Bunnies Anniversary exclusively at PiQ Grand Central NYC ! March 2015
Monday Mar 02 2015 - Bad Knight is Back in Metallic Blue~!
Tuesday Feb 17 2015 - Eye Heart Bunnies Debut Feb 5th 8pm EST
Thursday Feb 05 2015 - Candie Bolton x Peter Kato Bedtime Bunnies Artist Series Collaboration
Sunday Dec 14 2014 - Holiday Batch 2014
Sunday Dec 07 2014 - November Blue Bedtime Bunnies & Sleeptime Bunnies coming Monday night 8pm Nov 24th
Sunday Nov 23 2014 - ETI the Alien Nurse for NYCC Cubo NY exclusive booth 501
Wednesday Sep 24 2014 - Sleeptime Bunnies NYCC exclusive for myplasticheart booth #113
Wednesday Sep 24 2014 - Bad Knight is Coming!
Tuesday Sep 02 2014 - Tonight 9pm EST Andrea Kang x Peter Kato Bedtime Bunnies Artist Series goes on sale!
Thursday Aug 14 2014 - Andrea Kang x Peter Kato Bedtime Bunnies Collaboration figures
Sunday Aug 10 2014 - Bedtime Bunnies Artist Series Debuting Thursday August 14th
Sunday Aug 10 2014 - 2014
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